Just as with automobiles, the beginning of
the model year of a tractor does not necessarily correspond
to the beginning of the calendar year.
There are as many different lists of serial numbers for the model B
as there are sources that they are taken from.
These two lists are taken from the Two-Cylinder membership card.
I'm not saying they are more correct than any others,
but we have to have some sort of a standard to go by. Might as well
use these; a lot of research has
gone into them.
On the unstyled Model B, (from #1000 to #59999)
the serial number can be found on the left side of the transmission
case, in the upper front corner, just under the governor.
On the styled B, (#60000 and on), it is on the right side,
on the top of the case, under the magneto. In the following lists,
the model year is given, followed by the first serial number
of that year.