    The seat on my Model B is different from any other one I have seen. It has a giant conical shaped coil spring, and a shock absorber on the back. What gives?

I know what it looks like This is the Monro seat     I'll betcha your seat looks like this one here. I call it the "Monro Seat" because it says "Monro" on the shock absorber. Now, I don't know if Monro made the WHOLE seat, or if they just supplied the shock absorber. These seats were standard equipment on all of the FARMALL tractors of that same era as your Model B.
Monro Seat     Evidently, whoever made these seats for International Harvester also made them available to the general public as an "after market" item. The seats are definitely more comfortable than the stock John Deere seats. How do I KNOW this? Because I have one. That's how I knew exactly what you were talking about. I say MORE comfortable because you will occasionally see these seats on John Deeres, but I DEFY you to find a Farmall tractor with a John Deere seat!

    If it's not the correct seat, how come you left it on YOUR tractor?

Modified John Deere Seat    I have several tractors that I have left in original condition to show what the farmers have done over the years to modify or repair them. Okay, I take that back, they are NOT "original", each one is a unique individual. They are a living history lesson! See this one? Someone went HALFWAY there, and added a shock absorber to a standard John Deere seat!

Speaking of "aftermarket parts", you can get lots
of reproduction tractor parts at TONY'S TRACTORS!

Or... Go back to the page you just came from......

"Those Oldies But Goodies"
Little Caesar and the Romans, 1961
