Patrick Mosset is located in Manitoba, Canada. He specializes in John Deere two cylinder tractors, but occasionally he has slightly newer ones for sale. Patrick started into this hobby in 1999, His grandfather gave him an unstyled G, missing a lot of parts. Patrick looked at parts on line and thought they were too expensive, so he started to drive the roads here and there and found another parts tractor. He enjoyed restoring the unstyled G so much that he went back and bought some other 2 cylinder tractors and enjoyed getting them running, too. He began to get too many around the farm so he went on line to sell them. Patrick was surprised by the interest in the 2 cylinders he had for sale . Since 1999 he has bought over 800 JD 2 cylinder tractors for resale or for parts.
Click on the banner below to see the inventory of tractors that are currently for sale.
99% of the tractors Patrick has handled have been JD 2 cylinders. He has shipped overseas in containers and to pretty much every state in the USA, even one to Alaska. Patrick has added "hauling" to the hobby as a lot of fellows like to have their tractors hauled. He works with a trucking company that has about 12 trucks.
Patrick also has a grain farm in Melita, Manitoba. He runs John Deere tractors and combines on his farm.
Patrick BUYS tractors, too!
He will buy living and dead John
Deeres, and John Deere parts. He will pickup or arrange shipping!
$$$ Turn your rusty tractors into MONEY $$$