It was "THE GREAT AMERICAN FARMER", a 45 rpm record released by John Deere Co. in 1975 to commemorate the upcoming 200th Anniversary of the U.S. Ralph Harrison wrote and performed the 4 min. 14 sec. song. Total production of the record was around 5,000 (one for every J.D. Dealer) but lack of promotion by the dealers, (and the JD Co.), helped insure its fate - to obscurity. This same recording was also issued on 8 track. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out about the CANADIAN version)
Now YOU can get the song on a Compact Disk from Dave McDonnell at This CD has been totally remastered with excellent sound quality.
It comes with a jewel case, inserts and label. The artwork is very similar to the original offering. Only $12 + $3 S&H. To get one, all you have to do is send Dave a check at the address below. OR... You can call him at the number given below and talk to him about John Deere stuff, and THEN you can send him a check. Oh, and... Please tell Oldmillmac you saw this offer on
If you'd like to download a short MP3 clip of the song, click HERE.
Also available....
The Great CANADIAN Farmer
"THE GREAT CANADIAN FARMER" 1975 John Deere CD!! - ... is the Canadian version of the rare 45 rpm record: "The Great American Farmer". Both were produced by John Deere in 1975. With "American" pressings at only 5,000 records it is estimated that fewer than 1,000 "Canadian" pressings were made. (One for every John Deere dealer.)The Canadian version features Tom Gallant as the performer. It depicts different regions of canada in the verse, and has all the words on the back cover - just like the original 45 rpm record sleeve. Totally REMASTERED to CD digital quality and including all the accurate artwork of the 45 record, this very rare song is a must for every John Deere memorabilia collector. Only available from (Same address and phone number, above)