Need a website?
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    Almost anyone can learn to write a website! Believe me, it is MUCH easier than learning a foreign language! However, if you have neither the time nor the inclination to learn HTML, why not let me design your web site for you?
    I believe in keeping it simple. A page that is small, has mostly text, and has small graphics will load much faster and present your information to the viewer much more quickly than a page that is LOADED with graphics.
    Please take a look at the following examples which were written by K.Y.S.S. Notice how the first page is short and sweet. Other more complicated pages branch off from it after the first one has caught the viewer's interest.

Tennison & Associates
R. Price & Sons, Ltd.
The Gathering of the Green
Meli's Tractor School

    My own personal web site is from the "Do as I say, not as I do" department. It is as cluttered and complicated as can be; but it is a hobby site, not a commercial one. A visitor to it is probably not in as much of a hurry as a person who is e-shopping. This just goes to show you that not everything is SIMPLE! You can have "bells and whistles" on YOUR site too, if you need them!

Antique John Deere Tractors

    The page you are now reading is a VERY low key advertisement for K.Y.S.S., a web site design company. If you are interested in a simple, inexpensive web site to establish your presence on the internet, please email Gene: .

If not.....
Please use your "Back Button"
to return to where you were.

... and... HAPPY SURFING!
